Every piece of me is a piece from me.
When I was a teenager, like most of teenagers, I was looking for my identity. My thoughts were often all over the place in my inner world of chaos. I learned structure, order, and systematization to tame my reckless mind. It took me years to create some kind of logic and harmony. Until it broke again. And again. And again. I didn’t know that "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order" [Carl G Jung]
Then I read The Steppenwolf [Herman Hesse, 1927]. Again, and again.
More years passed before I understood that "I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become" [Carl G Jung]. Chaos sometimes and Harmony other times.
Every piece of me is a piece from me.
We are all made of pieces. Pieces of nature. Pieces of emotions. Pieces of functionality. Pieces of capacity. Pieces of preferences. Pieces of temper.
We get some pieces for free when we come to life, and we create others along our way. Our entire life we combine them and adapt them to the situations we encounter. Our self is the summary of those pieces, but it is also the combinations of them. Like a round of chess. We always have the same pieces to start with, but each step is a different combination of them, always new steps until the game is over. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. Some pieces are our beloved ones, but we also hate many of those pieces. Looking at others will make you aware of your own pieces.
"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us" [Herman Hesse (1877-1962)].
We might not choose all our pieces, but we often chose how to combine them. The more we know them the more we can change how we combine them and influence who we truly are. Being aware of all our pieces is being awake. Even though we might have the same pieces as others, good ones, and bad ones, combining them is our own choice. We are all similar as we are made of the same material but what makes us rich is that we are all different as we chose how to use that material.
Every piece of me is a piece from me.
Combining my human pieces is the secret order of my life.
In my painting collection “pieces” I am reflecting on what I am made of, playing with complementary colors, geometries, and rules of composition. I am throwing my mind at the canvas in my secret order. I am mixing techniques along the way and searching for textures and patterns, to emphasis both similarities and differences in the same go. Each canvas is a new journey combining my inner world to what is surrounding me at this very moment and resulting in a new combination of my inner pieces. Layer after layer, I pick up new thoughts from the outside and challenge myself to discover new pieces of technique, color, structure, or composition until I see a piece of cosmos appearing on the canvas. A piece of my cosmos. A piece of yours.
Every piece of me might be a piece from you.
For more information
Web: www.Artbynial.com
Instagram: art.by.nial
Email: artbynial@gmail.com