” When I look at a painting that I have finished, I have no idea how I did it and I wouldn’t be able to repaint it, I have no idea where it came from. I have the sense that it has come from something apart from me.”
- Gino Parisi
Gino Parisi has a passion for all things creative, channelling creative energy in order to manifest thought provoking abstract artwork. Parisi is an international artist having exhibited his abstract work all over Europe in cities including Amsterdam, Zurich, Berlin, Paris, London and Monaco. He has been represented by a New York art gallery and has also had his work showcased in Miami. Collectors are far afield.
Parisi’s passion for art began at an early age and has continued throughout his adult life. He says, “It is all I want to do”. His aptitude for creative vision has never left him and is continuously evolving. His personal Spiritual journey has been the momentum and driving force behind his artwork.
Recently he has worked on a series of paintings based on the Spiritual text “A Course in Miracles” also known as ACIM. Having already completed three paintings named ACIM 1, 2 and 3 that were on exhibition in London in July 2024, he says that this series will be a lifelong project. In these works, he has manifested the vibrations that the text radiates that is said to change the way the Western indoctrinated mind functions in an ego-based playground.
Parisi has a fascination with the mind. One of his most recent works named “Confliction” is inspired by the decision processes that are undertaken in the mind which create an internal mental battle between peace and suffering. The painting conveys the belief that in the indoctrinated mind the influences of fear can be overpowering if they are allowed to take control and are given strength by one's belief in them. Fears, however, are merely thoughts and are not real. The minds natural state is one of peace and this can be achieved when negative thoughts are evicted from the thinking process, hence leaving only peace. Parisi believes happiness is one's natural state.
Whilst predominantly using acrylic, Parisi is not limited to this medium and often will use a combination of acrylic, pastel and chalk in many of his paintings. However, it has not always been this way; at the start of his career his preferred medium was charcoal and hence this can still be found in many of his works today.
With no preconception of what will flow onto the canvas, Parisi allows his connection with the creative source to inspire his artwork. His creative and intuitive mind expands beyond our idea of reality to a place where creative energy flows through him and onto the canvas.
Parisi’s paintings are atmospheric and full of colour. They draw you into to an engaging and enchanted place where the mind is allowed to be imaginative and inspirational. It is in this peaceful place the viewer steps into, enabling them to explore the energetic and spiritual vibrations emitting from what they are viewing. They are encouraged to be imaginative and creative by what they see.
When viewing Parisi’s work, the observer not only uses their sight in the process but also their feelings are engaged and drawn in by the energy that is radiating from the artwork. This energy remains with the observer long after viewing the artwork, benefiting their experience and allowing them to take continued inspiration from it.
Discover more www.ginoparisi.com
Instagram: @artbygp6