我们的创刊号于 2017 年 7 月以数字版和印刷版形式出版。从那时起,每位艺术家都有自己的故事要分享。我们认为他们都很出色,但我们最引人注目的文章包括:考陶尔德艺术学院、皇家艺术学院、保时捷、K11 Musea、惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(展出了一系列伟大的美国画家,如罗伊·利希滕斯坦)、彩绘大厅旧皇家海军学院、卢西安·弗洛伊德、阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂、彼得·林德伯格、威廉·肯特里奇、阿布扎比卢浮宫、马拉加毕加索博物馆、劳斯莱斯汽车、蔡茨 MOCAA、保罗·塞尚、雅克·德罗和大都会艺术博物馆。
Our publication showcases artwork from various corners of the globe. Additionally, we have had the privilege of curating exceptional digital exhibitions at renowned global landmarks such as Times Square in New York, Piccadilly Circus in London, Oxford Street, and Leicester Square.
At our core, we are passionate about bringing vibrant and diverse art to the forefront for you to experience and enjoy. We understand that art not only inspires creativity but also connects communities. Our mission is to curate an expansive collection that resonates with your interests, sparks conversation, and nurtures your appreciation for the arts. Join us in celebrating the beauty of artistic expression in all its forms!
We welcome submissions in all media formats, making it easier for you to showcase your unique talent. No matter where you are in the world, we invite you to apply and share your work with us! Plus, we want you to feel confident in your submission—if your piece isn’t selected, we will gladly provide a full refund. Don’t miss this opportunity to get your work seen and recognised!
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150 / 500 per issue
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500 / 25,000
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100 / 250
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1,500 / 7,500
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平均每天 30 / 50
Unique monthly views
175,000 / 450,000
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您需要持有自 2024 年 3 月 21 日起签发或续签的读者通行证才能在线索取物品。如果您持有在此日期之前签发的读者通行证,则需要前往伦敦或约克郡的图书馆续签通行证,然后才能在线索取物品。这是因为在 2023 年 10 月发生网络攻击后系统发生了变化。
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Artist Talk details are below for your request.
Artist talk magazine (Print) ISSN 2515-6586
Identifier: ISSN 2515-6586; BNB GBB7G6285; System number: 018500815
馆藏说明:通用参考资料集 ZK.9.b.35634 第 1 期(2017 年 7 月)-
书架号:通用参考资料集 ZK.9.b.35634
Legal deposit requires publishers to provide a copy of every work they publish in the UK to the British Library. It's existed in English law since 1662. Since 2013, legal deposit regulations have expanded to include digital as well as print publications.
法定呈缴制度要求出版商向大英图书馆提供其在英国出版的每部作品的副本。该制度自 1662 年起就已在英国法律中存在。自 2013 年以来,法定呈缴制度已扩大到包括数字出版物和印刷出版物。
Deposited publications are made available to users of the deposit libraries on their premises, are preserved for the benefit of future generations, and become part of the nation’s heritage.
Publications are recorded in the online catalogues, and become an essential research resource for generations to come.
大多数书籍和新期刊都收录在英国国家书目 (BNB) 中,图书馆员和图书贸易商会根据该书目进行选书。BNB 有多种格式。
Legal deposit supports a cycle of knowledge, whereby deposited works provide inspiration and source material for new books that will eventually achieve publication.
提交截止日期 - 2025 年 3 月 16 日星期日
提交截止日期 - 2025 年 3 月 29 日星期五
提交截止日期 - 2026 年 3 月 29 日星期日