1999 年毕业于格雷艺术学院,获得绘画专业文学士学位(荣誉学位),2000 年获得艺术与设计研究生文凭/硕士学位。我的作品曾在英国各地及更远的地方展出 - 阿姆斯特丹、克里特岛、米兰、威尼斯、罗马、香港和新加坡。
1999 年毕业于格雷艺术学院,获得绘画专业文学士学位(荣誉学位),2000 年获得艺术与设计研究生文凭/硕士学位。我的作品曾在英国各地及更远的地方展出 - 阿姆斯特丹、克里特岛、米兰、威尼斯、罗马、香港和新加坡。
2021: Recognition For Contemporary Art, Aberdeen Fashion, Art, Media Awards.
2020: Barclay’s Bank Entrepreneur Awards, Rising Star 2020.
2019: Top Graffiti Artists Of The Year, Aberdeen Fashion, Arts, Media Awards.
2018: Top Artist, Aberdeen Fashion, Arts, Media Awards.
Email - angelathouless@outlook.com
网站 - www.angelathouless.com Instagram - @angela_thouless_art
(Please note all images are shown in square format. Therefore some areas of the artwork have been cropped.)
我出生并生活在苏格兰的阿伯丁。1999 年,我毕业于格雷艺术学院,获得绘画学士学位(荣誉学位),随后于 2000 年获得艺术与设计研究生文凭/硕士学位。从那时起,我从未停止过绘画,并很幸运地在英国和更远的地方展出了我的画作 - 阿姆斯特丹、克里特岛、米兰、威尼斯、罗马、香港和新加坡。在 2012 年第一次去阿姆斯特丹旅行时,我爱上了那里的街头艺术,从那时起,我对城市艺术的热情就开始了。2015 年 6 月,我创作的受阿姆斯特丹启发的作品在 Het Kunstenaarsbal(阿姆斯特丹文化节)展出。同年,NUArt 街头艺术节首次来到我的家乡阿伯丁,我在那里担任志愿者,并结识了其他志同道合的当地人士。他们邀请我加入 ThrowUp 画廊,这是一群志同道合的街头艺术家的集合,我曾与他们合作过多个项目并开过工作坊。这是我第一次开始喷漆。从受街头艺术启发的大型画布上墙壁绘画,我开始尝试一个想法,即在原本会被扔掉的旧喷漆罐上作画。我开始研究不同的文化、部落、部落神灵和仪式面具,并将它们画在旧喷漆罐上。参考我自己的背景,将我的标志性风格与文化灵感融合在一起。Tribe All 是文字游戏,因此团结的信息真正传达出来。Tribe All,就像我们都是一体!它也是我姓名首字母 AT 的反转游戏。这个名字将我自己、我的灵感以及我的使命联系在一起。
How would you describe your work to someone seeing it for the first time?
My artwork I like to think is fun, colourful and vibrant. With an urban twist. Drawing inspiration from all corners of the world, my spraycan paintings show a mixing of styles and artistic currents that refer to distant and different cultures, fusing these together on the canvas. Fantastic animals coming from ancient oriental paintings, exotic animals, South American traits, bright colours, elements of contemporary everyday life such as the spray can. I try to transmit an inner energy and fusion of elements giving the viewer a fantastic world in which everything is possible.
What have influenced your works?
I have always been a big fan of both German Expressionism, Primitive and Street art. A number of artists linked to these movements have been of huge influence to me ever since I was at art school.
Art should, I feel, lay bare what I perceive to be the inner essence of things through expressive interpretation. Why should a painter be content to sit down before nature and paint it to the best ability? Why should we have to fill the demand that we should ‘paint what we see’? I feel that the child in us stubbornly remains within us always, therefore why not face the basic facts of image making honestly?
My paintings began as simple experiments in media, a journey of combining violent brushwork, exaggerated colour and energy to create a heightened and distorted actuality. My intention within these works is to make an almost physical attack on its viewer, primitive tightly packed compositions to form a mixing of styles and artistic currents that refer to distant and different cultures, fusing these together on the canvas
If you could collaborate with any artist past or present, who would you select and why?
It would have to be Jean-Michel Basquiat. His style was rough, energetic and extremely gestural. Something I have always been a great admirer of and have experimented with myself. His paintings are also very colourful and narrative. Many of his paintings are very large, dynamic and powerful in size. A room full of them is truly a statement. He worked hard - and intelligently - at developing a consistent style that kept its “street” and black origins but was still exciting, well-composed (if inconsistent), interesting and engaging to the cognoscenti and larger art world. His work was extremely decorative, but also socially conscious, an unbeatable combination in upper and upper middle class art circles.
They tell a vivid story and they tell it in a way that is unlike that of anyone else - just as an artist should. He bridged the gap between street art and ‘high art’ that very few have done.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
You can expect to see lots more of the spraycan paintings. I have a wealth of cultures I have yet to delve into so have lots of new ideas just waiting to emerge.
I will be taking part in a number of exhibitions in Europe in the next few months - in Venice, Milan and 2 shows in Rome one being the International Art Fair there but to name a few as well as here in the UK.
My Tribe All t-shirts will be showcased this September after a 2 year wait with Event Savo’ which will be opening Milan Fashion Week in September where Tribe All will be paraded as ‘New Talent’.
我最喜欢的 5 件艺术品
3 - CATRAGENA 喷雾罐 1
Coming Soon