卡塔琳娜·迪亚兹是一位来自伦敦的艺术家,她已经成为艺术界的知名人物,凭借其杰出的才华获得了多个奖项和葡萄牙总统的认可。她的作品在国际上展出,包括数字装置、展览、博物馆和艺术博览会,包括萨奇画廊、巴黎卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔和世界各地的各种活动等著名场所。它还出现在电视节目和《艺术家谈话杂志》、《The Flux Review》和《Vogue》等出版物上。她与其他艺术家、设计师、电影制作人和作曲家合作开展各种项目,创作了极简主义拼贴画,激励观众寻找更深层的意义,拥抱不完美、二元性和超然存在之美。卡塔琳娜的灵感来自她现在的自己重温前世的记忆和经历,尤其是她在非洲的童年。这些经历塑造了她的艺术,成为她缓解世界压力的工具。这个故事暗示了大自然恢复世界混乱的宁静的可能性,提出了与拯救女性力量和身份以及整个人类有关的问题。英国广播公司艺术评论家梅芙·道尔将卡塔琳娜的作品描述为“非常、非常超凡脱俗的作品,将现实主义与自然主义和灵性融为一体。”除了艺术追求外,卡塔琳娜在教育、公共关系和国际关系方面也取得了成就。然而,她一直在创作,并最终受到伦敦国际化生活和艺术场景的启发,接受了她的艺术目标。她用自己的创造力工作的过程,在观众的想象力中完成,证明了她独特的艺术方法,她的作品挑战观众发现他们内在的美丽,踏上他们自己的创作之旅。
电子邮件 - catarinadiaz.art@gmail.com网站 - www.catarinadiaz.com Instagram - @catarina_diaz_
My artistic journey is a tapestry woven from the threads of my multicultural background. It begins in West Africa, in Angola, a former Portuguese colony where I was born and spent my early years. The war of independence compelled my family, already in our fourth generation, to relocate to Portugal. There, my mother, a painter and my first mentor found solace in perpetuating her African memories through her art. The vibrant colours, rhythmic patterns, and rich storytelling that permeate my work are a testament to this multicultural journey, a thread that connects me to my past and shapes my present.
It was this inspiration which eventually propelled my artistic career a few years ago at a point when I was struggling with depression after losing my younger sister to cancer and feeling I was still not fulfilling my life purpose.
At the time, my lovely friend Jo Good, the BBC radio host, showed my work to her fans worldwide on her amazing vlog. This viral moment started a surreal journey of networking in the art world, exhibiting in London, Europe, the US, and Canada, and being featured in art, design, lifestyle magazines, radio, and TV shows. It was life-changing!
Over the years, it has evolved to reflect my artistic purpose and the inspiration I draw from my surroundings and my inner journey. It represents my reflection on life, epiphanies, insights, acceptance of darkness, search for light and bliss, and aspirations. I want to inspire others to undertake their ever-evolving inner journey, always reinviting themselves and discovering their true identity and essence. I aim to invite viewers to contemplate and encourage them to embrace their unique perspectives as a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. Each piece is a reminder that, despite the chaos and uncertainty of life, there is beauty to be found in every moment and that the journey of self-discovery is one of healing and growth.
My collages are conceived to capture inner beauty and inspire viewers to search for deeper meaning. I use a minimalist analogue approach to create my pieces, allowing me to simultaneously create simple and complex works.
As to the wild nature motifs that I incorporate into my pieces, they serve as a metaphor for the untamed aspects of our own nature, reminding us of the importance of reconnecting with our true selves. My works express, thus, contemplation and a return to memories of more serene times as the start of a self-healing journey. It starts with my love of mixing various media, such as oil sticks and acrylics on paper and canvas, combining them with analogue collage.
我向我的艺术收藏家展示和出售的原作是美术 Giclée 或 Somerset Velvet 纸的模拟拼贴画。我通过在涂有石膏底料的画布上混合不同的介质(如油条、丙烯酸、颜料墨水、金箔和树脂)来实现华丽的质感。我也喜欢在我大胆的作品上使用的修复古董框架所形成的对比。这种独特的介质和技术组合使我能够创作出既具有视觉冲击力又具有概念丰富的作品。
As I cherish exploring new techniques and materials on my originals, I'm working on a new collection with distinctive features. This collection will not only embody the vibrant colours and rich storytelling that are my signature but will also incorporate innovative materials and techniques, pushing the boundaries of my artistic identity and offering a fresh and unique perspective.
As mentioned, my collaboration with other creatives is bringing my concept to life in extraordinary ways, and I am exploring new mediums and artistic expressions, such as Art Wear, Interior Design and collaborations in the Film and Media Industries.
What and which artists have influenced your work?
New York Golden Age/early Pop Art artists like Andy Warhol, the Young Artists Movement, British Pop Art like Peter Blake, and photographers like Cecil Beaton (fashion) and Frans Lanting (National Geographic) are essential references for my work.
If you could collaborate with any artist, past or present, who would you select and why?
I would definitely work with Peter Blake. Blake is a leading figure in the pop art movement, and his most joyful and inventive work conveys a message of optimism and cheerfulness to overcome hard times.
He has been creating paintings, collages, and prints that blend modernity and nostalgia throughout his long artistic career, which inspires my work. I am confident that I can learn immensely from the diversity of his techniques and mediums and his life-long love for art.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Regarding my new representation in Portugal by the Marchand-Mercier Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos, we are preparing next year's exhibition schedule and exciting art, interior design, and film collaborative projects in London.
同时,Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos 将策划我的个人展览“Diaz in Lisbon”,该展览将纳入里斯本时尚艺术画廊 Coletivo 284 的系列“身份”展。私人展览将于 11 月 6 日举行。展览将持续到 11 月 24 日,包括与艺术服装品牌 Empório Aragão 合作举办的几场艺术和时尚活动,以配合我们在日本布鲁克林时装周上推出的系列。
我最喜欢的 5 件艺术品
1 - 珊瑚
2 - 我明白了
3 - Life.Illuminated
4 -信仰
5 - 精髓
Coming Soon