我们很高兴地宣布,您现在有机会委托才华横溢的 Grant Milne 创作一幅肖像画。您可以在下面查看我的更多作品。肖像画的数字展示将在时代广场进行。
这座宏伟的广告牌位于纽约州纽约市百老汇大街 1560 号(46 街和 47 街之间)。据著名旅游网站 NYC Go 报道,时代广场每年吸引约 5000 万游客,平均每天约有 34 万行人穿过其繁华的街道。因此,这里有许多渴望的目光等待着您的拍摄。下面是该位置的更详细描述以及广告牌直播屏幕的链接。广告牌尺寸为 31 英尺高和 55 英尺宽。
The theme of his work clearly betrays a fascination for people and landscapes. Focused by this allure he paints family, friends, and complete strangers that can be found walking amongst us. The resources used are oil on canvas, furthermore some are painted direct on to an ipad using a digital brush that has the same effect as oil, but without the drying times.
《艺术家谈》杂志的创始人。该杂志成立于 2017 年,是一本面向所有人的杂志,由艺术家撰写。该杂志的主要重点是展示艺术家,并让他们有机会更深入地分享他们创作的作品。这本杂志旨在展示受到多种不同影响的广泛作品。该杂志起源于英国,但将介绍来自世界各地的艺术家。
Email - grantmilne@artisttalkmagazine.com
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(Please note all images are shown in square format. Therefore some areas of the artwork have been cropped.)
NYC - Scence
Portraits for NHS Heroes inspired by Thomas Croft. View the full blog post here
VI 肖像画挑战,从 A 到 Z 的著名肖像画。每幅肖像画分为 3 个环节,每个环节 2 小时。
My full name is Grant Charles Milne, I was born in Leicestershire, England in November 1989. My place of birth being Leicester General Hospital (LGH), this is a National Health Service Hospital located in the suburb of Evington, about 3 miles east of Leicester City Centre.
I trained as a Graphic Designer and I am currently working on a range of freelance projects. When I am not designing I am painting. I mainly paint portraits using oil on to canvas.
I am also the creator and founder of Artist Talk Magazine. It is my great pleasure to showcase some incredible artists from around the globe, hopefully this gives a great feel to the magazine with lots of different voices. We have captured lots of different styles from oil painting, sculpture to print making. All the artists featured have given interesting in-depth honest accounts about themselves, their work, views and ideas. In addition to the amazing images of the work they produce, which I know you the reader, will enjoy and be inspired by.
How would you describe your work to someone seeing it for the first time?
The theme of my work clearly portrays a fascination for people and landscapes. Focused by this allure I paint family, friends, and complete strangers that can be found walking amongst us. The resources used are oil on canvas. Furthermore, some are painted direct on to an iPad, using a digital brush that has the same effect as oil, but without the drying times.
The Figurative Themed Art viscerally challenges the viewer to a high level of emotional response and illustrates a vibrant visual intensity, which resonates with a profound visual narrative, as revealing an intense human empathy for life.
What and which artists have influenced your work?
One of my favourite paintings is William Wilberforce by Sir Thomas Lawrence, which can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery, London. My art I would say, has been influenced by the painter Lucian Freud. Since creating and featuring in Artist Talk, I have been fortunate to feature some fantastic artists. In this issue we have featured Sue Tilley, who was the sitter for Lucian Freud. Sue has also gone on to create some fantastic pieces herself.
Another of my personal favourites and inspiration was featuring the Masterpiece from London’s Courtauld Gallery, which is the iconic painting The Card Players, by French artist Paul Cézanne.
The iconic painting The Card Players, by French artist Paul Cézanne was displayed at the Ferens Art Gallery: Hull Museums, June 2018. Following the Courtauld’s magnificent loan by Manet in 2017, Paul Cézanne’s iconic Card Players, 1892-6, visited as part of a sustained national partnership. Cézanne’s famous series of paintings of peasant card players have long been considered to be among his most powerful works and this canvas is one of the acknowledged highlights of the Courtauld’s holdings.
If you could collaborate with any artist past or present, who would you select and why?
Jean-Michel Basquiat who was described as a poet, musician, and graffiti prodigy in late-1970s New York. Basquiat used social commentary in his paintings, as a tool for introspection and for identifying with his experiences.
I was really inspired by Warhol and Basquiat collaboration. Each artist has already mastered their own work, which both already had a trademark style that would appear to rival the other. The 1985 exhibition of the works, with a poster featuring the two artists ready to spar in boxing gloves, I feel brings an exciting energy and also competitiveness for me to raise my own work.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Lots more portrait painting. I will also be working on some travel paintings, which will included some scenic painting.
Also showcasing more fantastic artists on Artist Talk Magazine.