Milne Publishing is proud to present Artist Talk Magazine issue 12. Once again, I am pleased to showcase more incredible artists from around the globe.
All of the artists featured within this issue have given interesting, in-depth, honest accounts about themselves, their work, views and ideas. In addition to the amazing images of the work they produce, which I know you the reader will enjoy and be inspired by. We have lots of incredible talent within this issue, with a wide range of subject matter for you to explore and enjoy.
The cover of this issue is 20 portraits for our NHS Heroes. This concept was created by the portrait artist Thomas Croft. If you are an artist and would like to offer a free portrait to an NHS key worker, then please post the green canvas from Tom’s Instagram @tomcroftartist on your social media, which includes the hashtag #portraitsfornhsheroes, then an NHS worker can search for the hashtag, see your offer and contact you directly to apply for a free portrait.
Similarly, if you are an NHS frontline worker and would like to put yourself forward for the chance to get a free portrait, please look out for the green canvas by searching for the hashtag #portraitsfornhsheroes and message the artist.
I have painted 3 portraits myself, which can be viewed on pages 6 -11. This includes an interview with the NHS Hero. On behalf of the readers and myself, I would like to thank you, for all the good you have done and keep on doing.
Thanks for reading.
Grant Milne,
Founder of Artist Talk Magazine
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Artist Talk Magazine is now proud to offer Limited Edition Digitally Signed Prints. Each print will only have 15 copies available and has been digitally signed by the artist. All profits from the sales will go direct to the artist.
Discover all the past issues produced by Artist Talk Magazine. Starting from Issue 1 - July 2017
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